Haiku: Spot 10


Spot 10, by Meghan Murphy

Each of the students in Gretchen Henderson’s Introduction to Creative Writing class chose a spot in Dahlgren Quad from which to write haiku throughout the fall 2015 semester. The following haiku are by Meghan Murphy from “spot 10.” Click through to see the metadata for each haiku or to browse more of Meghan’s spot 10 haiku.


Eyes glued to cell phones
Miss the flowers by their feet
They call. No response.


Countless critters crawl
Weaving along the branches
The purpose of life.


On top of an edge.

Falling. Where is the ground? I
laugh. Oh, silly me.


The wrinkles of bark
Read as braille, while moss tries to
Decipher secrets.


Red and yellows turn
To brown. A cycle of life
and death. Green again