Haiku: Spot 2

Spot 2, by Christina O'Brien

Spot 2, by Christina O’Brien

Each of the students in Gretchen Henderson’s Introduction to Creative Writing class chose a spot in Dahlgren Quad from which to write haiku throughout the fall 2015 semester. The following haiku are by Christina O’Brien from “spot 2.” Click through to see the metadata for each haiku or to browse more of Christina’s spot 2 haiku.


A beetle crosses
My path. Strangely, I do not
Have the urge to move.


Enclosed with caution
The work has now concluded
But the tape remains


A whistle of wind
Shifts the leaves across the bricks
Scratching the surface


Loud, deafening sounds
Stir the thoughts inside your brain,
Destination reached.


False sense of retreat;
With the chimes of 6pm,
Comes reality