Tag: learn

Remix: Old North’s Index

CCT student Liz Sabatiuk modeled this “index” on the Harper’s Index in Harper’s Magazine. The experiment was part of her final remix project, in which she explored what’s remembered and what’s forgotten in Georgetown’s history. Each Harper’s Index curates 40 facts expressed through numbers, rates, ratios, percentages, years, factors, and other quantities. Each point is carefully chosen and strategically…

Remix: Updating The Book

This remix project by CCT student Jiaxi Xing acts as an update to the 1983 Old North Book, depicting and describing a more recent renovation that occurred in 2013. Jiaxi’s research for the project incorporated information from a range of sources, including architectural plans, news reports, and archival background on the paintings in Old North. This…

Heritage Drift (Robot Tour)

In this interactive installation by CCT student Danielle Storbeck, a seemingly autonomous robot will lead you on a tour around Dahlgren Quad. The robot was designed, built, and programmed by the CCT Robotics Group. The robot provides information regarding important spaces and historical facts related to Old North. But how can you tell if what…

Rebuilding Old North

Old North has undergone many changes over the years, both in its role and use on the campus and in its physical structure. This interactive game by CCT student Ziyan Liu uses a Microsoft Surface table and 3D-printed replica pieces to make these changes, and the larger history of Georgetown that they reflect, into something…

Material Timeline of Old North

On a small landing at the top of the staircase you encounter a network of wires studded with stones and shards of brick and wood. Each node has a small label specifying a date, an event, or a material. The timeline visualizes Old North’s history in relation to its material foundation. This project by CCT…

The Triumphal Victory of the Bonhomme Richard (John Paul Jones)

“I have not yet begun to fight!” ~John Paul Jones About John Paul Jones Originally from Scotland, Jones was sympathetic to the Americans’ struggle for freedom from British colonial rule. After war broke out in 1775, Jones volunteered for service in the Continental Navy. His greatest victory came in September 1779. Jones knew the rich British…

Washington Crossing the Delaware

Henry Mosler’s depiction of George Washington crossing the Delaware River stands in contrast to a famous 1851 painting of the same event by Emanuel Leutze. Leutze’s depiction of George Washington is one of an aggressive, confident man who is sailing over tumultuous waters, where Mosler’s painting depicts a serene Washington wading through blocks of ice. In addition, the…